30 September, 2020

Career orientation day with the Virtual University Fair

On Monday 21 September, OIC students spent an informative day learning more about their future degrees and universities during a Virtual University Fair. The event lasted between 8:30am and 6:55pm, encompassing a range of career and university advice: from expert admissions tips, through global university application guide, to interactive session for different career groups. The presentations were delivered by a range of speakers, recruited by the Supercurricular Department from institutions around the world. Notable talks included:
  • How to stand out during COVID-19 by Anisa Atlasi, International Officer, University of Manchester
  • University College London (UCL) – UCL, studying in London and the G5 by Musti Ali, Liaison and Recruitment Officer, University College London
  • Biosciences by Matt Lloyd, International Recruitment and Development Officer, University of Manchester
  • Business, Management and Finance by Mike Nicholson, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach, University of Bath
  • Interactive session for all students – ‘Law and order’ by Stephanie Willmott, Senior Graduate Ambassador, Newcastle University London
  • My experiences of studying in the USA by Kristina Kim (Yale University alumna)
  • Study in Australia and New Zealand by Sarah Nash, Director of Study Options