09 December, 2020

OIC Hosts UK Space Design Competition

On the weekend concluding November 19, the prestigious UK Space Design Competition was held at OIC. UK Space Design is a science, engineering and business competition designed as a simulation of life in the industry. Students are tasked with solving practical problems of human enterprise in space, including creative ideas based on real science and business solutions. They then present their projects in front of the jury, practising both their hard and soft skills as they persuade the benefits of their project. This year, six teams presented six excellent projects. The victory went to Grumbo Aerospace team, who made an excellent business plan including thorough attention to the transport system, and offered a slick final presentation. Congratulations to all participants! A student team of 12 will also be taking part in the UKSDC regional heat the following Saturday. Well done to all, and good luck in the regionals!   Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.  - Albert Einstein