23 January, 2024

Glee Club Welcomes January Starters

Glee Club Welcome January Starters - Glee Club Welcome January Starters
Glee Club Welcomes January Starters
In a dazzling display of talent and camaraderie, the Supercurricular team, together with OIC Club and Society Presidents, orchestrated a fabulous warm welcome for the January starters. Held in the picturesque setting of Oxford's Storey Museum, this year's event was an unforgettable evening filled with music, passion and a sense of coming together.

The event kicked off with short introductions from Supercurricular Executive team member, Manager Matt Walsh and Oxford International College (OIC) club Presidents representing an extensive range of clubs and societies from across the College.

As the spotlight illuminated the stage, brilliant performances by the esteemed Glee Club members played a pivotal role in setting the tone for the entire evening.

Members seamlessly integrated their skill and talents into their acts and delivered an electric performance that transcended the boundaries of the stage and filled the auditorium with a buzz of positive energy.

Presidents from the contributing OIC clubs and societies, agreed that the evening was an overwhelming success and noted that it was the perfect event to introduce the January new starters to our welcoming, vibrant and inclusive OIC community.

These fantastic events would not be possible without the commitment, dedication and drive of our OIC club and society Presidents and their members.Together, with the Supercurricular Executive team, these events showcase our students’ passions and set the tone for an exciting but busy term ahead filled with discovery, growth and the shared joy of pursuing Supercurricular excellence.