06 September, 2024

Aiming High

Student Leadership Elections - Student Leadership Elections
Student Leadership Elections
Students have been completing their applications for the prestigious Student Leadership role of Oxford International College Head Boy and Head Girl. We are delighted to share that we have received 18 applications!
The application process has been developed and led by Dr Chaudhury working collaboratively with past members of the Student Leadership team.  Questions involved asking applicants to consider what they believe the role involves and what they understand it entails together with how they would balance the demands of the role with their student life.  The application also covers areas around their skillset of listening and understanding viewpoints, actions and concerns. Valuable experience for interview preparation.

This week, online interviews will be held on Thursday and Friday with Principal, Andrew Gillespie and Dr Mona Chaudhury speaking with applicants.  They will also be joined by OIC Alumni: Julian, Polina, Eric, Nicole, Anna and Karlo -all previous OIC Head Boys and Girls together with Ayumi and Nyan both previous Student Council presidents.

We wish all the applicants the very best of luck and thank our wonderful alumni for supporting this important Student Leadership opportunity.