Oxford International College’s commitment to academic excellence, career advice, and personal development has consistently led our students to achieve outstanding A-Level results.

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In 2022, despite the percentage of A-Level results across the UK having significantly fallen, among all our results, 92.47% were A*-A grades and 99.56% were A*-B grades.

Twenty-eight students were awarded straight A*s:

  • 3 achieved six straight A*s
  • 15 achieved five straight A*s
  • 7 achieved four straight A*s
  • 3 achieved three straight A*s

On top of this, 75.9% of this year’s leavers at OIC were awarded at least three A grades or higher.

We are proud of their achievements, in particular, their grades were purely awarded on the basis of linear, standardised, public exams without including any Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) from last year.

Our A-level Programme
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A Strategy for Success

Our students’ success has resulted in their acceptance to some of the world’s top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge

University Destinations


Much of OIC’s recent success can be attributed to its Chief Education Officer, Yasmin Sarwar. Yasmin was the original founder of another highest-performing A-level college in the UK for nine consecutive years until it was dethroned by OIC two years after her joining. Under her academic leadership, OIC has become the school that it is now.

At OIC, Yasmin has developed the “Strategic Global Pathways” curriculum, which combines Academic Excellence, Career Preparation and Personal Development to give students the best chances to succeed at university interviews, higher education and later in their professional lives.

Well-known as an innovator in education, Yasmin has achieved many awards, including the Pearson Teaching Award for Science Teacher of the Year and a Pearson Teaching Awards Fellowship (2011). Yasmin is regularly invited to share her expertise with government officials, fellow educators, parents, students, and the general public, including the Welsh Assembly (Gorwel) and TEDx (DVLA- Swansea).

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