2021 university admissions season has been extremely successful for OIC students. We are very happy to announce that our 93 Year 13 students have received 199 university offers so far.
So far, our students received offers from 30 universities to study 61 subjects. We expect these numbers to grow over time as more UK and overseas universities release their results.
Our G5 University Success
The group of Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, LSE, and Imperial College London is called the G5 universities: UK’s top schools and some of the world’s most prestigious institutions. By now we have received 40 offers from those five universities, with the subjects including:
- Ancient History
- Computer Science
- Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronic, Chemical, Engineering with Management)
- Economics
- Infection and Immunity
- Law
- Mathematics
- Medical Biosciences
- Medicine
- Mathematics
- Psychology
- Natural Sciences
Our Oxbridge Success
Our Oxbridge offer holders will go on to study:
- Computer Science
- Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Law
- Medicine
- Natural Sciences
Overcoming adversity
What our students have achieved is incredible on its own, but doubly incredible in the context of their circumstances.
Many of our students are international citizens – it is almost twice as difficult for an international student to get into Oxbridge as it is for a British student. Moreover, our students most commonly apply for the world’s most competitive courses: Medicine, Mathematics, Economics, Natural Sciences, Law, Engineering, and more. Most of those degrees have less than 10% acceptance rate.
This year, another challenge was Covid and the effect of last year’s admission season. The Telegraph writes that Russell Group universities will likely limit the number of offers given out:
“Oxford University disclosed that it had made just 3,541 offers this year, down nine per cent from 3,889 last year. This is the fewest offers the university has made in a decade, and the first time the number of offers has declined year-on-year since 2013.”
In the face of such mounting challenges, it is the testament to the strength of OIC Global Strategic Pathways and our students’ incredible perseverance that we are set to have another record-breaking admission year.
Congratulations to our amazing students!
Full List of Universities So Far
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Durham University
- Imperial College London
- Hong Kong University
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- King’s College London, University of London
- Lancaster University
- Loughborough University
- Newcastle University
- Queen Mary University of London
- Royal Veterinary College, University of London
- School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, University of Glasgow
- St George’s, University of London
- Swansea University
- The University of Edinburgh
- UCL (University College London)
- University of Aberdeen
- University of Bath
- University of Birmingham
- University of Brighton
- University of Bristol
- University of Cambridge
- University of Exeter
- University of Leeds
- University of Leicester
- University of Liverpool
- University of Manchester
- University of Nottingham
- University of Oxford
- University of Reading
- University of Sheffield
- University of Southampton
- University of St Andrews
- University of Strathclyde
- University of Warwick
Full List of Subjects So Far
- Accounting and Finance
- Ancient History
- Architectural Studies
- Architecture
- Architecture (with placement)
- Biomedical Science
- Bioveterinary Science
- Business and Management
- Cancer Biomedicine
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering
- Chemistry with Biomedicine
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence with Year in Industry
- Computing
- Economics
- Economics and Management
- Economics and Politics
- Economics, Politics and International Studies
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Management
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering
- Engineering (Chemical)
- Engineering (Civil)
- Engineering (Electronic and Electrical)
- Engineering (Mechanical)
- General Engineering
- Infection and Immunity
- Law
- Law with International Study
- Management
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Physics
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Biosciences
- Medicine
- Natural Sciences
- Neuroscience
- Pharmacology
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Physics
- Physics with Theoretical Physics
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics
- Psychology
- Psychology and Language Sciences
- Theoretical Physics
- Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Science