01 October, 2024

Assessment Data Insights

SCITs Explained - SCITs Explained
SCITs Explained
Further to our commitment to how we look at how our academic assessment data is used effectively to inform our teaching and learning, the College now uses an internal uniform mark scale (IUMS) as part of our internal assessments.

Students will receive an IUMS score between 0-100 for each internal assessment, in addition to their marks and grades.

IUMS scores are calculated to allow more consistent interpretation from one test to another, or from one subject to another - for example, an IUMS score of 90 for an A2 student will always mean a grade of A*, even if the student has taken two tests in different subjects which have very different grade boundaries.

What is the IUMS

The Internal Uniform Mark Scale (IUMS) is a new addition to the new assessment system we use at Oxford International College to help parents and students understand academic performance more clearly. It provides a consistent way to evaluate and compare student results across different subjects and assessments.

Why is it Important?

1. Clearer Insights: The IUMS allows us to see exactly how close a student is to the next grade boundary. For example, if a student receives a score of 57% in one assessment and 52% in another, it may not be easy to tell how they performed relative to their peers. With IUMS, tThese scores would will now be supplemented with IUMS values that show where they fall within the grade range.

2. Consistent Comparisons: Different subjects and assessments can have varying grade boundaries, which can make it difficult to gauge performance fairly. IUMS standardiszes this process. For instance, if a student gets a C grade with different percentage scores in two assessments, the IUMS will reflect their true standing relative to the grade boundaries, making it easier to compare results.

3. Detailed Scoring: IUMS scores range from 0 to 100, providing a detailed breakdown of a student's performance. This means that parents can see not just a percentage or grade, but a specific IUMS score that indicates how well their child is doing in relation to the academic standards set by the college. 

4. Motivation for Improvement: The system highlights areas where students are close to moving up a grade, which can encourage them to strive for improvement. Knowing that their score is just a few points away from the next grade boundary can be a powerful motivator.

Example of IUMS in Action

Imagine a student receives the following results:

- Assessment 1: C grade, 57% (64 IUMS)
- Assessment 2: C grade, 52% (68 IUMS)

Here, while the percentage scores might suggest the first assessment is better, the IUMS scores shows that the second result is actually closer to a B grade. This kind of insightis an example of how IUMS can provide insights to can help parents understand their child's performance and progress better.

The IUMS is all about providing a more transparent and comprehensive view of academic assessment. It empowers parents to track their child’s progress more accurately and supports students in understanding where they stand and how they can improve. By embracing this system, we’re ensuring that every student gets the recognition and motivation they deserve for their hard work.